♥ I am 28 years old, have a young heart but an old romantic soul.
♥ I am a true girly girl. I grew up on Disney and rom-coms (You've Got Mail is my number one), I wear lipstick every day and pink really is my favourite colour!
♥ I am a creative cookie who adores baking, painting and flower arranging.
♥ I am hugely empathetic. It's my superpower.
♥ Although I'm a summer baby, autumn is my most favourite season - I love the colours and the need for sticky toffee pudding!
♥ I danced ballet for 18 years and very nearly trained to become a teacher.
♥ The pink fudge is the queen of the quality streets!
♥ My guilty pleasures are fish finger sandwiches (with lots of ketchup), One Direction and watching films from my childhood. Princess Diaries anyone?
♥ Getting caught in the rain is not my idea of romance, it just gives me a frizzy fringe!
♥ I am the biggest Swiftie EVER!!
Home sweet Hampshire
I was born and raised in Ascot, but I now live in a dinky village in Hampshire called Odiham with my fiance, Richard. We've been together for 6 years and I'm still persuading him to get us a kitten. We are both very much country bumpkins at heart and love spending our weekends out walking in the glorious Hampshire fields.
Why I became a Celebrant
I've always been a creative cookie but really struggled to make it my career. I studied psychology at the University of Exeter but it just never really tickled my pickle. So, once I left, I started working for a really fancy iced biscuit company in London. However, after sadly losing my lovely mum very suddenly to cancer, I decided that the city just wasn't for me and started working in a primary school as a learning support assistant. For the next 5 years, I played the role of a part-time Miss Honey, working with the most adorable little squidges that really did bring me so much joy every day. Nevertheless, that creative box just still wasn't being ticked…
During those 5 years, I went to a friend's wedding where they had a celebrant. I instantly fell in love with the idea of writing ceremonies and giving couples something really personal, that lit up the room and got everyone laughing, crying and never wanting it to end. However, time went by and I never felt brave enough to make a change. It wasn't until I saw two of my best and most wonderful friends get married a few years later that my spark was ignited again and I finally took the leap and became a celebrant (the happiest job in the world!).
Sugar, I love you
I love to bake. In fact, I've been baking ever since I was a teeny tot and haven't looked back since! I especially like making cakes and cookies and the thought of a plump cinnamon bun dripping in cream cheese frosting is my idea of paradise!
I also live for dessert, and am the kind of girl to make a restaurant choice purely based on the pudding menu. A sticky toffee pudding or a hot apple crumble with thick vanilla custard will win me over every time.
I hope you have a sweet tooth too, because I'll definitely be bringing some baked treats to our meetings!
Hello Sweet Pea
Is there anything more joyful than a puffy pink peony or the scent of a sweet pea in summer? I think not! I adore flowers and think they are the prettiest things on the planet. They never fail to make me smile and I can admire their beauty all day long. It’s also very rare for there to be a day where I'm not wearing a floral frock!
Flowers are also my favourite gift and I even ask for a big bunch of colourful blooms for Easter instead of chocolate. Although, this does just mean my boyfriend's mini eggs are never safe!
Music to my ears
I can’t lie or deny I am a huge Taylor Swift fan! 1989 is my favourite album and I've been lucky enough to see her live. I love her so much that I’ve even got plans to throw a Taylor themed 30th birthday party, where all of my friends have to dress up as her from different music videos!
Taylor aside, I also really enjoy listening to Harry Styles, Maisie Peters and Coldplay.